Day 1
Having two or more opposing Desires, Causes, Processes, Effects, or Results
When we seek to obtain the one it prevents us from obtaining the other
Someone who has already achieved the goal we’re trying to achieve.
Can be male or female but for simplicity's sake I usually use the male pronoun when speaking about a Cause.
When I refer to my Cause, I'm referring to Jesus Christ.
Goal Achievement Journey (GAJ)
Desire Obtainment Process (DOP)
Series of steps we need to take to obtain our Desire
Map with directions to reach our desired destination
Inherent Process that must be fulfilled because we have chosen our specific Desire
Our Cause’s response to our Process which helps us know if we’re on or off the track to obtaining our Desire
Confirming feeling
Warning feeling
Evaluation of our Process in the form of words or actions towards us
Goal Achieved
An incremental step toward goal achievement
Desire Obtained
Knowledge obtained
Ability, Talent, Skill developed
Relationship established
Sustainable Desire
Sustainable relationship with our Cause or Child
Sustainable Effects
Conflicting Result
Day 2
General/Specific X Desire/Conflict
General/Specific Causes
General/Specific Processes
General/Specific Effects
General/Specific Results
General Desire
Sustainable Joy
Specific Desires
We have different ways of obtaining that Joy
These need to not conflict with our General Desire
If they conflict with our General Desire, we may obtain temporary Joy but not Sustainable Joy
General Conflict
Sustainable Sorrow
Specific Conflict
We have different things that bring us Sorrow
When we have two or more opposing Specific Desires, Causes, Process, Effects, or Results
General Cause
Someone who has already achieved the most general goal of Sustainable Joy.
God (Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost)
General exemplar, provider, teacher, evaluator
Specific Cause
Someone who has already achieved the specific goal we’re trying to achieve.
Specific exemplar, provider, teacher, evaluator
Can be:
The Holy Ghost
Ecclesiastical leaders (Bishop, priest, high counselor, stake president, etc.)
Older Sibling
General Process
The Process to obtain Sustainable Joy
It is inherent to the specific level of Sustainable Joy we personally desire
The Plan of Salvation
The Plan of Happiness
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Specific Process
The Process to obtain our Specific Desire
General Effects
The Atonement of Jesus Christ
Our General Cause’s feedback about how we are doing on our journey to obtaining Sustainable Joy
These can be given live and in advance
The law
We can know where we stand when we read what has already been written about the law we need to keep to obtain Sustainable Joy
Specific Effects
Our Specific Cause’s feedback about how we are doing on our journey to obtaining our Specific Desire
These can be given in advance too like when a Specific Cause writes a book about his Desire Obtainment Journey
We can know if we are on the right track as we judge our Process by what he did.
Personal History
Journals of our ancestors
General Results
Sustainable Joy
Lasting Joy
Doesn’t end
Joy becomes more intense according to our Desire and level of our Sacrifice Process over time
Joy becomes more Sustainable over time
Specific Results
The obtainment of our Specific Desire
Usually falls under:
Hope (Sustainable Desire)
Relationship (Sustainable family relationships and friendships)
Abilities, Talents, Skills
Continuous Effect—book, painting, work of art, song, poem, something built or constructed like a house or a building or the earth, etc.
Day 3
Balanced/Imbalanced X Desire/Conflict
Balanced/Imbalanced Causes
Balanced/Imbalanced Processes
Balanced/Imbalanced Effects
Balanced/Imbalanced Results
Balanced Desire
A Specific Desire balanced with our General Desire
Imbalanced Desire
A Specific Desire imbalanced with our General Desire
Balanced Conflict
Having two or more opposing Balanced Desires, Causes, Processes, Effects, or Results.
Having to choose between two or more good options
A situation where we need to examine the choices and their potential Results more in depth to identify good, better, and best
Imbalanced Conflict
Having two or more opposing Imbalanced Desires, Causes, Processes, Effects, or Results
Having to choose between two or more bad options
The lesser of two evils
In between a rock and a hard place
Balanced Cause
General Balanced Cause
Someone who has balanced the achievement of his general goal for Sustainable Joy with everyone else’s goal for achieving Sustainable Joy.
Specific Balanced Cause
Someone who has balanced the achievement of the specific goal we’re trying to achieve with his most general goal for Sustainable Joy.
Imbalanced Cause
General Imbalanced Cause
Someone who continuously strives to achieve his general goal for Sustainable Joy for himself even though it conflicts with everyone else’s goal for achieving it.
Specific Imbalanced Cause
Someone who continuously strives to achieve the specific goal we’re trying to achieve in a way that conflicts with his general goal for Sustainable Joy.
Balanced Process
Northern Balance
The Process in which we Trust in balance with what we Sacrifice
Balanced Receiving/Giving
Balanced Faith/Sacrifice
(This is where we need a diagram so I’ll update with one in the future)
Balanced Hope/Remembrance X Faith/Sacrifice
Imbalanced Process
Northwest Imbalance
The Process in which we don’t Trust our Cause enough for how much we are Sacrificing
Demand/Pride X Trust too little/Sacrifice too much
Too much works/Too little grace
Tower of Babel—build my own tower to get to heaven
Northeast Imbalance
The Process in which we Trust our Cause too much for how little we are Sacrificing
Wishing/Envy X Trust too much/Sacrifice too little
Too little works/Too much grace
Eat, drink, and be merry and God will beat us with a few stripes (with a wet noodle)
Balanced Effects
Northern Effects
Peace/Energy = Joy
The Sacrifice Process of our Cause (we feel Peace) combined with our Sacrifice Process (we feel Energy)
Imbalanced Effects
Northwest Effects
Hunger/Stress = Fear
Trusting in an Imbalanced Cause who does not provide us with enough Peace (we feel Hunger) combined with our own higher Sacrifice Process (we feel Stress)
Northeast Effects
Stuffed/Boredom = Depression
Trusting in an Imbalanced Cause who provides us with too much (we feel Stuffed like we’ve eaten too much) combined with our own lower Sacrifice Process (we feel Boredom)
Balanced Results
Northern Results
Hope/Confidence X Peace/Energy = Sustainable Joy
Humility/Confidence X Faith/Sacrifice = Sustainable Joy
Our Specific Desire is balanced with our General so we have continuous Hope and Humility.
We balance our DOP with our Remembrance Process (RP) which enables us to be balanced between Humility and Confidence (see Day 7 for more info about this). Because we’re working with a Balanced Cause, our Faith/Sacrifice is Balanced (Peace/Energy).
Maintaining this Balance results in Sustainable Joy and Sustainable Specific Balanced Results.
Imbalance Results
Anxiety and Depression
Northwest Results
Demand/Pride X Hunger/Stress = Virulent Fear
Our Specific Desire is imbalanced with our General so we Demand continuously.
We are off balance to the Northwest/Southeast in our DOP and RP which causes us to be imbalanced in Demand and Pride (Day 7 explains this more)
Because we’re working with an Imbalanced Cause, our Faith/Sacrifice is Imbalance so that we are not willing or able to Trust in a Balanced Cause and Sacrificing too much (Hunger/Stress).
When we maintain this Imbalance, it results in Virulent Fear and Virulent Specific Imbalanced Results.
Northeast Results
Wishing/Envy X Stuffed/Boredom = Virulent Depression
Our Specific Desire in imbalanced with our General so we wind up Wishing for our Desires.
We are off balance to the Northeast/Southwest in our DOP and RP which causes us to be imbalanced in Wishing and Envy (Day 7)
Because we’re working with an Imbalanced Cause, our Faith/Sacrifice Process is continuously imbalanced so that we expect too much from a Balanced Cause without being willing or able to Sacrifice enough (Stuffed/Bored).
When we maintain this Imbalance, it results in Virulent Depression and Virulent Specific Imbalanced Results.
In the Imbalanced Result we obtain both NW and NE Results. The one side perpetuates the other, which locks us into the Imbalance as if it were a Sustainable Result. The only difference is that we experience Virulent Sorrow as opposed to Sustainable Joy.
Day 4
Physical/Spiritual X Desire/Conflict
Physical/Spiritual Causes
Physical/Spiritual Processes
Physical/Spiritual Effects
Physical/Spiritual Results
Physical Desire
A need of the body that when sacrificed causes physical discomfort and pain
Spiritual Desire
A need of the spirit that when sacrificed causes spiritual discomfort and pain
Physical Conflict
Having two or more Physical Desires that oppose each other
When we obtain one, we prevent the obtainment of the other
Ex. Having a stomach ulcer that requires rest from stomach acid in order to heal and having the need to eat continuously for total body nourishment
Spiritual Conflict
Having two or more Spiritual Desires that oppose each other
When we obtain one, we prevent the obtainment of the other
Ex. If we have been injured spiritually by an Imbalanced Cause we may put up walls against all Causes. We may protect ourselves from further injury but prevent needed spiritual nourishment and healing.
Spiritual Cause
General Balanced Spiritual Cause
Someone who has balanced his achievement of Sustainable Joy with everyone else’s goal for obtaining it.
Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ
General Balanced Spiritual exemplar, provider, teacher, evaluator
Same as General Balanced Cause.
General Imbalanced Spiritual Cause
Someone who continuously strives to achieve his general goal for Sustainable Joy for himself even though it conflicts with everyone else’s goal for achieving it.
Same as General Imbalanced Cause.
Specific Balanced Spiritual Cause
Someone who has balanced the achievement of the specific spiritual goal we’re trying to achieve with his most general goal for Sustainable Joy.
Same as Specific Balanced Cause.
Specific Imbalanced Spiritual Cause
Someone who continuously strives to achieve the specific spiritual goal we’re trying to achieve in a way that conflicts with his general goal for Sustainable Joy.
Same as Specific Imbalanced Cause.
Physical Cause
General Balanced Physical Cause
Someone who has balanced his achievement of Sustainable Life with his goal for achieving Sustainable Joy AND balanced his obtainment of both of these goals with everyone else’s goal for obtaining them.
Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ
General Balanced Physical exemplar, provider, teacher, evaluator
Creator, Redeemer, Savior (“I am the resurrection and the life” John 11:25)
General Imbalanced Physical Cause
Someone who has obtained life and continuously strives to obtain Sustainable Life in a way that conflicts with the general goal for achieving Sustainable Joy AND thus conflicts with everyone else’s achievement of both.
Specific Balanced Physical Cause
Someone who strives to balance the achievement of his specific physical goal (like the one we’re trying to achieve) with the achievement of his specific spiritual goal (like the one we’re trying to achieve) AND with his general goal for Sustainable Joy.
Specific Imbalanced Physical Cause
Someone who strives to achieve his specific physical goal (like the one we’re trying to achieve) even though it conflicts with the achievement of his specific spiritual goal (like the one we’re trying to achieve) AND with his general goal for Sustainable Joy.
Physical Process
Words (are both Physical and Spiritual—are where the Physical meets the Spiritual)
Physical Goal Achievement Journey (PGAJ)
Physical Desire Obtainment Process (PDOP)
Series of commitments we need to make and actions that need to be continuously done to obtain our Desire
Map with directions to reach our desired destination
Inherent Process that must be fulfilled because we have chosen our specific Desire
Usually used to demonstrate Spiritual Processes which are unseen
The living Processes of the body
Spiritual Process
Words (are both Physical and Spiritual—are where the Physical meets the Spiritual)
Spiritual Goal Achievement Journey (SGAJ)
Spiritual Desire Obtainment Process (SDOP)
Committing to adopting incrementally higher levels of thinking to obtain our Desire
Deleting thoughts that aren’t conducive to the obtainment of our Desire and inserting thoughts that are.
Summarization and Expansion
Physical Effect
Physical pleasure and pain
Smells (this is an example of Physical crossing over to Spiritul)
The taste of food
Gravity (another Effect in between Physical and Spiritual)
Time (the coming up and going down of the sun, the seasons)
Expansion of the Universe (I think this combined with Gravity is what creates Time—the movement of the planets around the sun and the sun around a central star in a galaxy, etc.)
Any material thing someone can give us for our “daily bread”
Physical reward
Physical punishment
Verbal warnings
Verbal praise
Spiritual Effect
Spiritual Joy and Sorrow
Sensing the Spirit
Combination of Spirits
Clarity, enlightenment, understanding
The Still Small Voice
Whisperings of the Spirit
The Voice Inside My Head
Thoughts that did not originate with us
Ideas, Epiphanies, Inspiration
Discernment (the Physical and Spiritual are on a continuum. To be able to sense the Spiritual takes a refinement of our Effect Sensors. But it is not wise to be so sensitive to Spiritual Effects until we are able to hold our boundaries and pathways in order)
Justice (Spiritual Gravity)
Mercy (Spiritual Time)
Expansion of spirits (I think this combined with Justice is what creates Mercy—the choice each of us makes about which Cause we will “rotate around” and which Cause our Cause in turn rotates around, etc.)
Any spiritual love someone can give us—their presence = Combination of Spirits
How we feel spiritually just in the presence of someone else
Spiritual reward, praise
Spiritual punishment, warning to stop or we’re going to end up in Imbalanced Results, censure
Physical Result
Solar System
Sun-Earth-Moon Relationship
Physical Goal Achieved
An incremental physical step toward goal achievement
Physical Desire Obtained
Physical Ability, Talent, Skill developed
Physical Relationship established
Sustainable Physical Desire—Appetites, Passions kept within boundaries of our General Cause (Sustainable Joy)
Physical Attraction (in between Physical and Spiritual)
Family--Sustainable physical relationship with our Cause and Children
Book, Artwork, Song, Invention
House, anything constructed that is useful
Environmental Sustainability
Trees (Alma 32)
Spiritual Result
The General Mind
The Mind of our Family, community, state, nation, world
Cause-Servant-Child Relationship
Spiritual Body
Disciple, Follower, Student—someone who chooses to follow our Spiritual Process
Spiritual Goal Achieved
Spiritual Desire Obtained
An incrementally higher level of thinking Summarization/Expansion Balance
Spiritual Ability, Talent, Skill developed
Spiritual Relationship established
Sustainable Spiritual Desires—Spiritual appetites, passions kept within boundaries of our General Cause (Sustainable Joy)
Spiritual Attraction (in between Physical and Spiritual)
Family--Sustainable spiritual relationship with our Cause and Children (forgiveness/repentance in order to live together)
Community Love
Sacrifice which molds the Spirit into a powerful Sustainable Effect that others experience throughout time and space (#AtonementofJesusChrist)
Organization of Causes and Children into Sustainable Relationships (as long as they are with each other they have Sustainable Joy)
The Law of Sustainability
Spirits that choose a Balanced Spiritual Cause will have Balanced Spiritual Children (Alma 32)
Day 5
Paradoxical/Survival X Desire/Conflict
Paradoxical/Survival Causes
Paradoxical/Survival Processes
Paradoxical/Survival Effects
Paradoxical/Survival Results
Paradoxical Desire
Having a goal AND the capacity to assist a Child to obtain her Desire first before we obtain ours
The Desire of a Balanced Cause
Leaders eat last
Last Desire
I can wait until last for mine
The Desire to serve or sacrifice first.
Not selfless because we know about the Paradox. We know that in the Result is Sustainability (Selfless is Northwest Sacrifice).
I believe that even though the Father left Jesus to suffer on his own on the cross, there’s no way anyone could have kept me away. I believe all those who loved him were with him (#ChurchoftheFirstBorn, #CombinationofSpirits, #AtOneMent).
Survival Desire
Survival of the Fittest Desire
Survival of the Weakest Desire
Having a goal to obtain our Desire first before anyone else
Wanting to obtain more than someone else
Competitive Desire
Obtaining our Desire at the expense of others not obtaining theirs
First Desire
Me First
The Desire to be served first and sacrifice last (or never)
Having the Desire for others to make sacrifices for me but not me for anyone else
Selfish Desire
Natural Man Desire
Paradoxical Conflicts
Having the Desire for Joy through the obtainment of our Specific Desires but giving them up right now in order to have it in Sustainability (Lose our life/Gain our Life)
Giving up one more easily obtainable Desire to obtain something better but is much harder to obtain
Opportunity Costs
Exercise—no pain, no gain (but not NW)
Our Cross
“Live Like You Were Dying” by Tim McGraw
“Losing” by Tenth Avenue North
Taking one for the team
Survival Conflicts
Having the Desire for Joy now and Sustainable Joy later
Having the Desire to obtain first and last
Having the Desire to receive from Conflicting Causes
Having the Desire for a Child (lower level Cause) to care for our needs who does not have the capacity to do so enough to satisfy us.
Competing for Desires but losing out to more “fit” Causes (higher level Causes).
Paradoxical Causes
A Cause with Paradoxical Desire who exemplifies Paradoxical Processes
A Cause who has the capacity to provide for his Children first without expecting them to pay him for it but who engages them in commitment relationships to pay it forward.
A teacher, trainer, mentor who asks his student what she wants to learn first before he begins his training Process and who is unwilling to force her to learn yet allows the natural incremental consequences of Justice to motivate her to learn.
A Cause who evaluates his Children through positive reinforcement when they are on the right track and withholds those Effects when they are deviating for the purpose of assisting them to obtain Sustainable Joy through the obtainment of their Specific Desires.
Survival Causes
A Cause with Survival Desire who exemplifies Survival Processes
A Cause who has the capacity to provide for himself but expects his Children to provide for him first and for them to expect their Children to provide for them first.
A teacher, trainer, mentor who tells his student more than she is ready to know about some things and less than she needs to know about others (half-truths) so that she is subject to too much and too little Justice at the same time.
A Cause who, after telling his student more than she is ready to know, shames her for her inability to live up to it.
A Cause who provides more than his Children need (puts them into their NE) in order to tempt them away from their commitments to their Paradoxical Cause and in the end leaves them without enough for their needs so they will be forced to become Survival Causes
A Cause who motivates his Children using pride and envy, shame and blame.
Paradoxical Processes
Sacrifice first in Faith that our needs will be taken care of
Act like a Paradoxical Cause in the Specific strengths we have been given
Sacrifice obtaining our Physical Desires in order to obtain our Spiritual
Rely on Spiritual Balanced Effects while our Physical Effects are Imbalanced within our zone (#ThresholdOfGrowth).
Rely on our General Cause’s Effects while enduring the Effects of Specific Imbalanced Conflicting Causes
Series of sacrifices we need to make to obtain our Desire
Study other Paradoxical Causes to know how to sacrifice as they did so that we too can reach our desired destination
Inherent Process that must be fulfilled in order to FEEL the value of our Specific Desire
Survival Processes
Abuse, force, violate, coerce, tempt, opress
Neglect, abandon, desert, forsake
Abuse or neglect others to obtain our Desires
Act like a Survival Cause using our Specific strength against others' Specific weaknesses
Sacrifice obtaining our Spiritual Desires in order to obtain our Physical right now.
Indulgence, Gratification, lack of restraint, Flattery of self or others
Overly critical, condemning, judgmental, fault-finding, accusing of self or others
Rely on Physical Balanced Effects while our Spiritual Effects are Imbalanced with incremental intensity.
Rely on Specific Imbalanced Survival Cause’s Effects while ignoring the warning Effects of our General Balanced Paradoxical Cause.
Continuous Imbalanced Processes to obtain our Desire
Study other Survival Causes to know how to weasel and cheat and scam as they did so that we too can obtain the uppermost seats in the synagogue.
Obtain what we want without having to obey the law (Inherent Process that must be fulfilled in order to obtain our Desire) come hell or high water.
Paradoxical Effects
The Effects from all the Paradoxical Causes that have sacrificed in this way (especially Jesus Christ who is the major contributor) that are in a type of spiritual storehouse or slip stream so that when we engage in Paradoxical Processes, we qualify to receive these Effects. We step into the slip stream or presence of all of these Paradoxical Causes. We reside in another world and this world with its Survival Causes seems less important.
The Kingdom of Heaven
The Holy Ghost
The Second Comforter
Spiritual Life
Being Saved
The engraved pathway where Spiritual Effects travel in the opposite direction than they inherently do under the laws of Justice. When we sacrifice like our Paradoxical Cause has, we actually receive these Effects.
Paradoxical Physical Effects--Miracles
Parting of the Red Sea
Raising of the Dead
Blind, Lame, Deaf healed, etc.
Evidences of a Paradoxical Cause
Survival Effects
The Effects from all the Survival Causes that have processed in this way to get what they want (especially Satan and Cain who are the major contributors) that are in a type of spiritual prison or rut (#Hell) so that when we engage in Survival Processes, we subject ourselves to these types of Causes. We say that we are joining their team. We step into their ruts—the way they accomplished their goals and resolved their conflicts. We reside in another world and this world with its Paradoxical Causes seems less important.
The Kingdom of Devil
Satan’s angels
Lucifer (Survival Effects is where he lives because he doesn’t have a body)
Carnal Life
Being Damned (cut off from being able to obtain our real Desires and resolve our real Conflicts. Our real Desires and Conflicts are hidden from us)
The entrapping pathway where Spiritual Imbalanced Effects travel in the opposite direction of Mercy. In the beginning we receive way more than we should (NE Effects). In the end we receive way less than we could have received (NW Effects).
Beginning Law: Too much Chaos.
End Law: Too much Justice
When we take advantage of others like our Survival Cause has, we actually receive these Effects.
Paradoxical Physical Effects--Miracles
Parting of the Red Sea
Raising of the Dead
Blind, Lame, Deaf healed, etc.
Evidences of a Paradoxical Cause
Paradoxical Results
Sacrifice in the beginning seems absurd or self-contradictory but when investigated proves to be well founded and true.
When we sacrifice our Survival Desires (our life), we end with Sustainable Results (eternal life)
Goal Achieved
Because we have felt the intensity of the sacrifice of going without our Desires for so long, we are able to value them in a way we never would have been able to otherwise.
Because we have tasted the Sorrow, we know the Joy (#KnowledgeObtained)
We develop all abilities, talents, and skills through Paradoxical Processes
All Sustainable Relationship are established on Paradoxical Processes
Sustainable Attraction towards another is possible through Paradoxical Processes (#EternalMarriage)
Eternal Physical AND Spiritual Families are founded on Paradoxical Processes
The Process to obtain Sustainability in any relationship, community, country, world is Paradoxical Living.
Survival Results
Survival Processing in the beginning seems like a no-brainer and the only way to obtain our Desires but when investigated proves to be senseless, logically unacceptable, and destructive. In short, it is a False Statement.
Damnation (it cuts us off forever from Sustainable Joy and from ever obtaining Sustainability in our original Specific Desires)
When we allow ourselves to be governed by our Survival Desires (our life), we end with Virulent Conflicts (feels like Hell)(because it is Hell)
Failure to obtain our inherent Desires
Because we have never felt the intensity of the sacrifice of going without our Desires for so long, we are NOT able to value them. Whatever we have obtained seems worthless to us.
Because we have NOT tasted the Sorrow, we have no understanding of the Joy (#Ignorance)
We develop all Spiritual weaknesses, disabilities, and bad habits through Survival Processes
All Virulent Sorrow Relationship are the consequence of Survival Processes
Virulent Repulsion towards another is a consequence of Survival Processes (#Hate)
Physical and Spiritual dysfunction in Families are caused by Survival Processes
The Process to prevent Sustainability in any relationship, community, country, world is Survival Living.
Day 6
Past/Present X Desire/Conflict
Past/Present Causes
Past/Present Processes
Past/Present Effects
Past/Present Results
Past Desire
A Desire for which we have already at least partially obtained Sustainable Results through a Past Desire Obtainment Process with our Cause and Children.
Present Desire
New goal
A Desire for which we have not yet obtained Sustainable Results
We’re just beginning to figure out the Process to obtain it
We are just beginning to ask our Cause to help us with obtaining it
Past Conflict
Having two or more opposing commitments
We have already obtained Sustainable Results with one Desire so that we are in a commitment relationship with certain Causes and Children but also have entered into another commitment relationship with other Causes and Children that prevent us from fully keeping our first commitment
Ex. Having an affair when you are already married, trying to work two jobs that prevent you from fully keeping your commitments to both which makes you seem incompetent
Present Conflict
Having two or more Desires that oppose one another
Same definition as Conflict
Need to use good, better, or best strategies to determine which we will choose and which we will give up
Past Cause
The Cause whom we have worked with to obtain a Past Desire
The Cause whom we have entered into a Commitment of responsibility because we are already enjoying certain privileges he has provided
Present Cause
Choosing a new Cause either because we have progressed beyond the assistance our Past Cause can provide or because we have begun a new Specific Desire Obtainment Process
A Cause who has the ability to progress with us throughout our development
Past Process
Keeping and Reporting on our Commitments
Inherent Process that we commit to continue fulfilling because we have chosen to own our specific Desire
Past Goal Achievement Journey (GAJ)
Past Desire Obtainment Process (DOP)
Series of steps that our Cause prescribed which we have already taken resulting in at least partial Desire Obtainment
Map with directions that our Cause created that we have followed to reach our desired destination. We are now in that desired destination and are required to take care of it to maintain the privileges it offers.
Maintenance Process—muscles are adequate size and capacity to accomplish without pain
Present Process
Identifying the Inherent Process of our Desire
Making new Commitments to fulfill the Inherent Process of our Present Desire.
Establishing a relationship with our Cause to assist us in fulfilling the Inherent Process of our Present Desire
Agreeing to progress to be able to establish full ownership or joint-ownership.
Growth Process—sore muscles, effort difficult
Past Effects
Shame, guilt
Our Cause’s Commitment to us
Atonement of Jesus Christ
The privileges we presently enjoy
What our Cause does in a team effort with us which allows us to be enjoying the privileges Desire Obtainment now.
When we have made previous commitments and are already enjoying their privileges we have a sense of responsibility to continue keeping our commitments. If we don’t keep them we feel guilty. If we do we feel confident.
When our Cause continues keeping his commitment to us we know if we’re pulling our own weight or not. If he ceases, then he’s communicating to us that we’re not. If this is the case, the privileges we were enjoying cease to be ours. That means the Inherent Process of our chosen Desire is no longer being met so the Desire ceases to be what it originally was.
Present Effects
Positive Reinforcement-Negative Reinforcement/Negative Punishment-Positive Punishment
Add a desirable Effect to strengthen behavior = take away an undesirable Effect from Conflicting Causes to strengthen behavior/take away a desirable Effect to weaken behavior = allow the addition of an undesirable Effect from Conflicting Causes to weaken behavior
Since we’re just starting to obtain our Desire and haven’t entered into a commitment we are not held to as strict a Balance (law). We are given time to get it right. If we stay out here in new Desire land for extended periods of time when we should be deepening our commitment, we will never be able to experience the deeper and more Sustainable Results of Joy. It’s an opportunity cost.
Past Results
Relationships we are committed to
Bonds of love
Sustainable Attraction
We have to continuously work to keep our spouse’s Inherent Process, which changes as he/she grows (and vice versa). If we become that person and his/her Inherent Process is just who we are and vice versa, then the Attraction just continues on and on.
Abilities we are committed to up-keeping
Knowledge we are committed to using
Use it or lose it
Ex. If we attain a certain fitness level, we can’t just stop working out and expect the Results to continue to be ours. We need to continue doing what we have done to get to that level. But the Process becomes easier over time because we now have the strength and capacity to perform the muscular movements with little discomfort.
Level of Sustainable Joy we are committed to maintaining. If we want to reside at a higher more intense level of Sustainable Joy we need to really enjoy the sacrifices required of us at that level.
It’s not about getting to a place where we can finally rest from the Processes we engaged in to get to that place (#Retirement). It’s about becoming the type of person who enjoys what we do so much that we desire to do it forever.
That’s Sustainability
Present Results
Relationships we are just starting to develop
Honeymoon love
Initial Attraction (it’s for free! It just happens because we Presently are what our love interest is interested in.)
Abilities we are just acquiring. We’re newbies.
Knowledge we recently obtain
Now we need to use it or lose it
Ex. When we first start increasing our fitness our Results may be muscle soreness but we should eventually get to the place where we don’t feel that anymore. That’s when we just continue the Process which maintains our Results. If we want to increase our fitness after we get to the maintenance stage we will again experience muscle soreness as a pretty continuous Result.
When we first achieve a higher level of Sustainable Joy life feels amazing. We never knew it could be so good! Even though we continue to reside in this same state of Joy, we will get used to it over time. The key is to tell our before and after story often to our Children and to rejoice in their growth from one level to another. We also don’t need to stop growing ourselves until we have obtained the level at which we are satisfied and then engage in the maintenance Process.
It’s not about growing forever. It’s not about having Sustainable muscle soreness because we keep upping our Sacrifice Process for years and years. It’s about finding what we like to do (sacrifice) and the level at which we want to do it and do that forever without getting bored.
That’s Sustainability.
Having two or more opposing Desires, Causes, Processes, Effects, or Results
When we seek to obtain the one it prevents us from obtaining the other
Someone who has already achieved the goal we’re trying to achieve.
Can be male or female but for simplicity's sake I usually use the male pronoun when speaking about a Cause.
When I refer to my Cause, I'm referring to Jesus Christ.
Goal Achievement Journey (GAJ)
Desire Obtainment Process (DOP)
Series of steps we need to take to obtain our Desire
Map with directions to reach our desired destination
Inherent Process that must be fulfilled because we have chosen our specific Desire
Our Cause’s response to our Process which helps us know if we’re on or off the track to obtaining our Desire
Confirming feeling
Warning feeling
Evaluation of our Process in the form of words or actions towards us
Goal Achieved
An incremental step toward goal achievement
Desire Obtained
Knowledge obtained
Ability, Talent, Skill developed
Relationship established
Sustainable Desire
Sustainable relationship with our Cause or Child
Sustainable Effects
Conflicting Result
Day 2
General/Specific X Desire/Conflict
General/Specific Causes
General/Specific Processes
General/Specific Effects
General/Specific Results
General Desire
Sustainable Joy
Specific Desires
We have different ways of obtaining that Joy
These need to not conflict with our General Desire
If they conflict with our General Desire, we may obtain temporary Joy but not Sustainable Joy
General Conflict
Sustainable Sorrow
Specific Conflict
We have different things that bring us Sorrow
When we have two or more opposing Specific Desires, Causes, Process, Effects, or Results
General Cause
Someone who has already achieved the most general goal of Sustainable Joy.
God (Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, Holy Ghost)
General exemplar, provider, teacher, evaluator
Specific Cause
Someone who has already achieved the specific goal we’re trying to achieve.
Specific exemplar, provider, teacher, evaluator
Can be:
The Holy Ghost
Ecclesiastical leaders (Bishop, priest, high counselor, stake president, etc.)
Older Sibling
General Process
The Process to obtain Sustainable Joy
It is inherent to the specific level of Sustainable Joy we personally desire
The Plan of Salvation
The Plan of Happiness
The Gospel of Jesus Christ
Specific Process
The Process to obtain our Specific Desire
General Effects
The Atonement of Jesus Christ
Our General Cause’s feedback about how we are doing on our journey to obtaining Sustainable Joy
These can be given live and in advance
The law
We can know where we stand when we read what has already been written about the law we need to keep to obtain Sustainable Joy
Specific Effects
Our Specific Cause’s feedback about how we are doing on our journey to obtaining our Specific Desire
These can be given in advance too like when a Specific Cause writes a book about his Desire Obtainment Journey
We can know if we are on the right track as we judge our Process by what he did.
Personal History
Journals of our ancestors
General Results
Sustainable Joy
Lasting Joy
Doesn’t end
Joy becomes more intense according to our Desire and level of our Sacrifice Process over time
Joy becomes more Sustainable over time
Specific Results
The obtainment of our Specific Desire
Usually falls under:
Hope (Sustainable Desire)
Relationship (Sustainable family relationships and friendships)
Abilities, Talents, Skills
Continuous Effect—book, painting, work of art, song, poem, something built or constructed like a house or a building or the earth, etc.
Day 3
Balanced/Imbalanced X Desire/Conflict
Balanced/Imbalanced Causes
Balanced/Imbalanced Processes
Balanced/Imbalanced Effects
Balanced/Imbalanced Results
Balanced Desire
A Specific Desire balanced with our General Desire
Imbalanced Desire
A Specific Desire imbalanced with our General Desire
Balanced Conflict
Having two or more opposing Balanced Desires, Causes, Processes, Effects, or Results.
Having to choose between two or more good options
A situation where we need to examine the choices and their potential Results more in depth to identify good, better, and best
Imbalanced Conflict
Having two or more opposing Imbalanced Desires, Causes, Processes, Effects, or Results
Having to choose between two or more bad options
The lesser of two evils
In between a rock and a hard place
Balanced Cause
General Balanced Cause
Someone who has balanced the achievement of his general goal for Sustainable Joy with everyone else’s goal for achieving Sustainable Joy.
Specific Balanced Cause
Someone who has balanced the achievement of the specific goal we’re trying to achieve with his most general goal for Sustainable Joy.
Imbalanced Cause
General Imbalanced Cause
Someone who continuously strives to achieve his general goal for Sustainable Joy for himself even though it conflicts with everyone else’s goal for achieving it.
Specific Imbalanced Cause
Someone who continuously strives to achieve the specific goal we’re trying to achieve in a way that conflicts with his general goal for Sustainable Joy.
Balanced Process
Northern Balance
The Process in which we Trust in balance with what we Sacrifice
Balanced Receiving/Giving
Balanced Faith/Sacrifice
(This is where we need a diagram so I’ll update with one in the future)
Balanced Hope/Remembrance X Faith/Sacrifice
Imbalanced Process
Northwest Imbalance
The Process in which we don’t Trust our Cause enough for how much we are Sacrificing
Demand/Pride X Trust too little/Sacrifice too much
Too much works/Too little grace
Tower of Babel—build my own tower to get to heaven
Northeast Imbalance
The Process in which we Trust our Cause too much for how little we are Sacrificing
Wishing/Envy X Trust too much/Sacrifice too little
Too little works/Too much grace
Eat, drink, and be merry and God will beat us with a few stripes (with a wet noodle)
Balanced Effects
Northern Effects
Peace/Energy = Joy
The Sacrifice Process of our Cause (we feel Peace) combined with our Sacrifice Process (we feel Energy)
Imbalanced Effects
Northwest Effects
Hunger/Stress = Fear
Trusting in an Imbalanced Cause who does not provide us with enough Peace (we feel Hunger) combined with our own higher Sacrifice Process (we feel Stress)
Northeast Effects
Stuffed/Boredom = Depression
Trusting in an Imbalanced Cause who provides us with too much (we feel Stuffed like we’ve eaten too much) combined with our own lower Sacrifice Process (we feel Boredom)
Balanced Results
Northern Results
Hope/Confidence X Peace/Energy = Sustainable Joy
Humility/Confidence X Faith/Sacrifice = Sustainable Joy
Our Specific Desire is balanced with our General so we have continuous Hope and Humility.
We balance our DOP with our Remembrance Process (RP) which enables us to be balanced between Humility and Confidence (see Day 7 for more info about this). Because we’re working with a Balanced Cause, our Faith/Sacrifice is Balanced (Peace/Energy).
Maintaining this Balance results in Sustainable Joy and Sustainable Specific Balanced Results.
Imbalance Results
Anxiety and Depression
Northwest Results
Demand/Pride X Hunger/Stress = Virulent Fear
Our Specific Desire is imbalanced with our General so we Demand continuously.
We are off balance to the Northwest/Southeast in our DOP and RP which causes us to be imbalanced in Demand and Pride (Day 7 explains this more)
Because we’re working with an Imbalanced Cause, our Faith/Sacrifice is Imbalance so that we are not willing or able to Trust in a Balanced Cause and Sacrificing too much (Hunger/Stress).
When we maintain this Imbalance, it results in Virulent Fear and Virulent Specific Imbalanced Results.
Northeast Results
Wishing/Envy X Stuffed/Boredom = Virulent Depression
Our Specific Desire in imbalanced with our General so we wind up Wishing for our Desires.
We are off balance to the Northeast/Southwest in our DOP and RP which causes us to be imbalanced in Wishing and Envy (Day 7)
Because we’re working with an Imbalanced Cause, our Faith/Sacrifice Process is continuously imbalanced so that we expect too much from a Balanced Cause without being willing or able to Sacrifice enough (Stuffed/Bored).
When we maintain this Imbalance, it results in Virulent Depression and Virulent Specific Imbalanced Results.
In the Imbalanced Result we obtain both NW and NE Results. The one side perpetuates the other, which locks us into the Imbalance as if it were a Sustainable Result. The only difference is that we experience Virulent Sorrow as opposed to Sustainable Joy.
Day 4
Physical/Spiritual X Desire/Conflict
Physical/Spiritual Causes
Physical/Spiritual Processes
Physical/Spiritual Effects
Physical/Spiritual Results
Physical Desire
A need of the body that when sacrificed causes physical discomfort and pain
Spiritual Desire
A need of the spirit that when sacrificed causes spiritual discomfort and pain
Physical Conflict
Having two or more Physical Desires that oppose each other
When we obtain one, we prevent the obtainment of the other
Ex. Having a stomach ulcer that requires rest from stomach acid in order to heal and having the need to eat continuously for total body nourishment
Spiritual Conflict
Having two or more Spiritual Desires that oppose each other
When we obtain one, we prevent the obtainment of the other
Ex. If we have been injured spiritually by an Imbalanced Cause we may put up walls against all Causes. We may protect ourselves from further injury but prevent needed spiritual nourishment and healing.
Spiritual Cause
General Balanced Spiritual Cause
Someone who has balanced his achievement of Sustainable Joy with everyone else’s goal for obtaining it.
Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ
General Balanced Spiritual exemplar, provider, teacher, evaluator
Same as General Balanced Cause.
General Imbalanced Spiritual Cause
Someone who continuously strives to achieve his general goal for Sustainable Joy for himself even though it conflicts with everyone else’s goal for achieving it.
Same as General Imbalanced Cause.
Specific Balanced Spiritual Cause
Someone who has balanced the achievement of the specific spiritual goal we’re trying to achieve with his most general goal for Sustainable Joy.
Same as Specific Balanced Cause.
Specific Imbalanced Spiritual Cause
Someone who continuously strives to achieve the specific spiritual goal we’re trying to achieve in a way that conflicts with his general goal for Sustainable Joy.
Same as Specific Imbalanced Cause.
Physical Cause
General Balanced Physical Cause
Someone who has balanced his achievement of Sustainable Life with his goal for achieving Sustainable Joy AND balanced his obtainment of both of these goals with everyone else’s goal for obtaining them.
Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ
General Balanced Physical exemplar, provider, teacher, evaluator
Creator, Redeemer, Savior (“I am the resurrection and the life” John 11:25)
General Imbalanced Physical Cause
Someone who has obtained life and continuously strives to obtain Sustainable Life in a way that conflicts with the general goal for achieving Sustainable Joy AND thus conflicts with everyone else’s achievement of both.
Specific Balanced Physical Cause
Someone who strives to balance the achievement of his specific physical goal (like the one we’re trying to achieve) with the achievement of his specific spiritual goal (like the one we’re trying to achieve) AND with his general goal for Sustainable Joy.
Specific Imbalanced Physical Cause
Someone who strives to achieve his specific physical goal (like the one we’re trying to achieve) even though it conflicts with the achievement of his specific spiritual goal (like the one we’re trying to achieve) AND with his general goal for Sustainable Joy.
Physical Process
Words (are both Physical and Spiritual—are where the Physical meets the Spiritual)
Physical Goal Achievement Journey (PGAJ)
Physical Desire Obtainment Process (PDOP)
Series of commitments we need to make and actions that need to be continuously done to obtain our Desire
Map with directions to reach our desired destination
Inherent Process that must be fulfilled because we have chosen our specific Desire
Usually used to demonstrate Spiritual Processes which are unseen
The living Processes of the body
Spiritual Process
Words (are both Physical and Spiritual—are where the Physical meets the Spiritual)
Spiritual Goal Achievement Journey (SGAJ)
Spiritual Desire Obtainment Process (SDOP)
Committing to adopting incrementally higher levels of thinking to obtain our Desire
Deleting thoughts that aren’t conducive to the obtainment of our Desire and inserting thoughts that are.
Summarization and Expansion
Physical Effect
Physical pleasure and pain
Smells (this is an example of Physical crossing over to Spiritul)
The taste of food
Gravity (another Effect in between Physical and Spiritual)
Time (the coming up and going down of the sun, the seasons)
Expansion of the Universe (I think this combined with Gravity is what creates Time—the movement of the planets around the sun and the sun around a central star in a galaxy, etc.)
Any material thing someone can give us for our “daily bread”
Physical reward
Physical punishment
Verbal warnings
Verbal praise
Spiritual Effect
Spiritual Joy and Sorrow
Sensing the Spirit
Combination of Spirits
Clarity, enlightenment, understanding
The Still Small Voice
Whisperings of the Spirit
The Voice Inside My Head
Thoughts that did not originate with us
Ideas, Epiphanies, Inspiration
Discernment (the Physical and Spiritual are on a continuum. To be able to sense the Spiritual takes a refinement of our Effect Sensors. But it is not wise to be so sensitive to Spiritual Effects until we are able to hold our boundaries and pathways in order)
Justice (Spiritual Gravity)
Mercy (Spiritual Time)
Expansion of spirits (I think this combined with Justice is what creates Mercy—the choice each of us makes about which Cause we will “rotate around” and which Cause our Cause in turn rotates around, etc.)
Any spiritual love someone can give us—their presence = Combination of Spirits
How we feel spiritually just in the presence of someone else
Spiritual reward, praise
Spiritual punishment, warning to stop or we’re going to end up in Imbalanced Results, censure
Physical Result
Solar System
Sun-Earth-Moon Relationship
Physical Goal Achieved
An incremental physical step toward goal achievement
Physical Desire Obtained
Physical Ability, Talent, Skill developed
Physical Relationship established
Sustainable Physical Desire—Appetites, Passions kept within boundaries of our General Cause (Sustainable Joy)
Physical Attraction (in between Physical and Spiritual)
Family--Sustainable physical relationship with our Cause and Children
Book, Artwork, Song, Invention
House, anything constructed that is useful
Environmental Sustainability
Trees (Alma 32)
Spiritual Result
The General Mind
The Mind of our Family, community, state, nation, world
Cause-Servant-Child Relationship
Spiritual Body
Disciple, Follower, Student—someone who chooses to follow our Spiritual Process
Spiritual Goal Achieved
Spiritual Desire Obtained
An incrementally higher level of thinking Summarization/Expansion Balance
Spiritual Ability, Talent, Skill developed
Spiritual Relationship established
Sustainable Spiritual Desires—Spiritual appetites, passions kept within boundaries of our General Cause (Sustainable Joy)
Spiritual Attraction (in between Physical and Spiritual)
Family--Sustainable spiritual relationship with our Cause and Children (forgiveness/repentance in order to live together)
Community Love
Sacrifice which molds the Spirit into a powerful Sustainable Effect that others experience throughout time and space (#AtonementofJesusChrist)
Organization of Causes and Children into Sustainable Relationships (as long as they are with each other they have Sustainable Joy)
The Law of Sustainability
Spirits that choose a Balanced Spiritual Cause will have Balanced Spiritual Children (Alma 32)
Day 5
Paradoxical/Survival X Desire/Conflict
Paradoxical/Survival Causes
Paradoxical/Survival Processes
Paradoxical/Survival Effects
Paradoxical/Survival Results
Paradoxical Desire
Having a goal AND the capacity to assist a Child to obtain her Desire first before we obtain ours
The Desire of a Balanced Cause
Leaders eat last
Last Desire
I can wait until last for mine
The Desire to serve or sacrifice first.
Not selfless because we know about the Paradox. We know that in the Result is Sustainability (Selfless is Northwest Sacrifice).
I believe that even though the Father left Jesus to suffer on his own on the cross, there’s no way anyone could have kept me away. I believe all those who loved him were with him (#ChurchoftheFirstBorn, #CombinationofSpirits, #AtOneMent).
Survival Desire
Survival of the Fittest Desire
Survival of the Weakest Desire
Having a goal to obtain our Desire first before anyone else
Wanting to obtain more than someone else
Competitive Desire
Obtaining our Desire at the expense of others not obtaining theirs
First Desire
Me First
The Desire to be served first and sacrifice last (or never)
Having the Desire for others to make sacrifices for me but not me for anyone else
Selfish Desire
Natural Man Desire
Paradoxical Conflicts
Having the Desire for Joy through the obtainment of our Specific Desires but giving them up right now in order to have it in Sustainability (Lose our life/Gain our Life)
Giving up one more easily obtainable Desire to obtain something better but is much harder to obtain
Opportunity Costs
Exercise—no pain, no gain (but not NW)
Our Cross
“Live Like You Were Dying” by Tim McGraw
“Losing” by Tenth Avenue North
Taking one for the team
Survival Conflicts
Having the Desire for Joy now and Sustainable Joy later
Having the Desire to obtain first and last
Having the Desire to receive from Conflicting Causes
Having the Desire for a Child (lower level Cause) to care for our needs who does not have the capacity to do so enough to satisfy us.
Competing for Desires but losing out to more “fit” Causes (higher level Causes).
Paradoxical Causes
A Cause with Paradoxical Desire who exemplifies Paradoxical Processes
A Cause who has the capacity to provide for his Children first without expecting them to pay him for it but who engages them in commitment relationships to pay it forward.
A teacher, trainer, mentor who asks his student what she wants to learn first before he begins his training Process and who is unwilling to force her to learn yet allows the natural incremental consequences of Justice to motivate her to learn.
A Cause who evaluates his Children through positive reinforcement when they are on the right track and withholds those Effects when they are deviating for the purpose of assisting them to obtain Sustainable Joy through the obtainment of their Specific Desires.
Survival Causes
A Cause with Survival Desire who exemplifies Survival Processes
A Cause who has the capacity to provide for himself but expects his Children to provide for him first and for them to expect their Children to provide for them first.
A teacher, trainer, mentor who tells his student more than she is ready to know about some things and less than she needs to know about others (half-truths) so that she is subject to too much and too little Justice at the same time.
A Cause who, after telling his student more than she is ready to know, shames her for her inability to live up to it.
A Cause who provides more than his Children need (puts them into their NE) in order to tempt them away from their commitments to their Paradoxical Cause and in the end leaves them without enough for their needs so they will be forced to become Survival Causes
A Cause who motivates his Children using pride and envy, shame and blame.
Paradoxical Processes
Sacrifice first in Faith that our needs will be taken care of
Act like a Paradoxical Cause in the Specific strengths we have been given
Sacrifice obtaining our Physical Desires in order to obtain our Spiritual
Rely on Spiritual Balanced Effects while our Physical Effects are Imbalanced within our zone (#ThresholdOfGrowth).
Rely on our General Cause’s Effects while enduring the Effects of Specific Imbalanced Conflicting Causes
Series of sacrifices we need to make to obtain our Desire
Study other Paradoxical Causes to know how to sacrifice as they did so that we too can reach our desired destination
Inherent Process that must be fulfilled in order to FEEL the value of our Specific Desire
Survival Processes
Abuse, force, violate, coerce, tempt, opress
Neglect, abandon, desert, forsake
Abuse or neglect others to obtain our Desires
Act like a Survival Cause using our Specific strength against others' Specific weaknesses
Sacrifice obtaining our Spiritual Desires in order to obtain our Physical right now.
Indulgence, Gratification, lack of restraint, Flattery of self or others
Overly critical, condemning, judgmental, fault-finding, accusing of self or others
Rely on Physical Balanced Effects while our Spiritual Effects are Imbalanced with incremental intensity.
Rely on Specific Imbalanced Survival Cause’s Effects while ignoring the warning Effects of our General Balanced Paradoxical Cause.
Continuous Imbalanced Processes to obtain our Desire
Study other Survival Causes to know how to weasel and cheat and scam as they did so that we too can obtain the uppermost seats in the synagogue.
Obtain what we want without having to obey the law (Inherent Process that must be fulfilled in order to obtain our Desire) come hell or high water.
Paradoxical Effects
The Effects from all the Paradoxical Causes that have sacrificed in this way (especially Jesus Christ who is the major contributor) that are in a type of spiritual storehouse or slip stream so that when we engage in Paradoxical Processes, we qualify to receive these Effects. We step into the slip stream or presence of all of these Paradoxical Causes. We reside in another world and this world with its Survival Causes seems less important.
The Kingdom of Heaven
The Holy Ghost
The Second Comforter
Spiritual Life
Being Saved
The engraved pathway where Spiritual Effects travel in the opposite direction than they inherently do under the laws of Justice. When we sacrifice like our Paradoxical Cause has, we actually receive these Effects.
Paradoxical Physical Effects--Miracles
Parting of the Red Sea
Raising of the Dead
Blind, Lame, Deaf healed, etc.
Evidences of a Paradoxical Cause
Survival Effects
The Effects from all the Survival Causes that have processed in this way to get what they want (especially Satan and Cain who are the major contributors) that are in a type of spiritual prison or rut (#Hell) so that when we engage in Survival Processes, we subject ourselves to these types of Causes. We say that we are joining their team. We step into their ruts—the way they accomplished their goals and resolved their conflicts. We reside in another world and this world with its Paradoxical Causes seems less important.
The Kingdom of Devil
Satan’s angels
Lucifer (Survival Effects is where he lives because he doesn’t have a body)
Carnal Life
Being Damned (cut off from being able to obtain our real Desires and resolve our real Conflicts. Our real Desires and Conflicts are hidden from us)
The entrapping pathway where Spiritual Imbalanced Effects travel in the opposite direction of Mercy. In the beginning we receive way more than we should (NE Effects). In the end we receive way less than we could have received (NW Effects).
Beginning Law: Too much Chaos.
End Law: Too much Justice
When we take advantage of others like our Survival Cause has, we actually receive these Effects.
Paradoxical Physical Effects--Miracles
Parting of the Red Sea
Raising of the Dead
Blind, Lame, Deaf healed, etc.
Evidences of a Paradoxical Cause
Paradoxical Results
Sacrifice in the beginning seems absurd or self-contradictory but when investigated proves to be well founded and true.
When we sacrifice our Survival Desires (our life), we end with Sustainable Results (eternal life)
Goal Achieved
Because we have felt the intensity of the sacrifice of going without our Desires for so long, we are able to value them in a way we never would have been able to otherwise.
Because we have tasted the Sorrow, we know the Joy (#KnowledgeObtained)
We develop all abilities, talents, and skills through Paradoxical Processes
All Sustainable Relationship are established on Paradoxical Processes
Sustainable Attraction towards another is possible through Paradoxical Processes (#EternalMarriage)
Eternal Physical AND Spiritual Families are founded on Paradoxical Processes
The Process to obtain Sustainability in any relationship, community, country, world is Paradoxical Living.
Survival Results
Survival Processing in the beginning seems like a no-brainer and the only way to obtain our Desires but when investigated proves to be senseless, logically unacceptable, and destructive. In short, it is a False Statement.
Damnation (it cuts us off forever from Sustainable Joy and from ever obtaining Sustainability in our original Specific Desires)
When we allow ourselves to be governed by our Survival Desires (our life), we end with Virulent Conflicts (feels like Hell)(because it is Hell)
Failure to obtain our inherent Desires
Because we have never felt the intensity of the sacrifice of going without our Desires for so long, we are NOT able to value them. Whatever we have obtained seems worthless to us.
Because we have NOT tasted the Sorrow, we have no understanding of the Joy (#Ignorance)
We develop all Spiritual weaknesses, disabilities, and bad habits through Survival Processes
All Virulent Sorrow Relationship are the consequence of Survival Processes
Virulent Repulsion towards another is a consequence of Survival Processes (#Hate)
Physical and Spiritual dysfunction in Families are caused by Survival Processes
The Process to prevent Sustainability in any relationship, community, country, world is Survival Living.
Day 6
Past/Present X Desire/Conflict
Past/Present Causes
Past/Present Processes
Past/Present Effects
Past/Present Results
Past Desire
A Desire for which we have already at least partially obtained Sustainable Results through a Past Desire Obtainment Process with our Cause and Children.
Present Desire
New goal
A Desire for which we have not yet obtained Sustainable Results
We’re just beginning to figure out the Process to obtain it
We are just beginning to ask our Cause to help us with obtaining it
Past Conflict
Having two or more opposing commitments
We have already obtained Sustainable Results with one Desire so that we are in a commitment relationship with certain Causes and Children but also have entered into another commitment relationship with other Causes and Children that prevent us from fully keeping our first commitment
Ex. Having an affair when you are already married, trying to work two jobs that prevent you from fully keeping your commitments to both which makes you seem incompetent
Present Conflict
Having two or more Desires that oppose one another
Same definition as Conflict
Need to use good, better, or best strategies to determine which we will choose and which we will give up
Past Cause
The Cause whom we have worked with to obtain a Past Desire
The Cause whom we have entered into a Commitment of responsibility because we are already enjoying certain privileges he has provided
Present Cause
Choosing a new Cause either because we have progressed beyond the assistance our Past Cause can provide or because we have begun a new Specific Desire Obtainment Process
A Cause who has the ability to progress with us throughout our development
Past Process
Keeping and Reporting on our Commitments
Inherent Process that we commit to continue fulfilling because we have chosen to own our specific Desire
Past Goal Achievement Journey (GAJ)
Past Desire Obtainment Process (DOP)
Series of steps that our Cause prescribed which we have already taken resulting in at least partial Desire Obtainment
Map with directions that our Cause created that we have followed to reach our desired destination. We are now in that desired destination and are required to take care of it to maintain the privileges it offers.
Maintenance Process—muscles are adequate size and capacity to accomplish without pain
Present Process
Identifying the Inherent Process of our Desire
Making new Commitments to fulfill the Inherent Process of our Present Desire.
Establishing a relationship with our Cause to assist us in fulfilling the Inherent Process of our Present Desire
Agreeing to progress to be able to establish full ownership or joint-ownership.
Growth Process—sore muscles, effort difficult
Past Effects
Shame, guilt
Our Cause’s Commitment to us
Atonement of Jesus Christ
The privileges we presently enjoy
What our Cause does in a team effort with us which allows us to be enjoying the privileges Desire Obtainment now.
When we have made previous commitments and are already enjoying their privileges we have a sense of responsibility to continue keeping our commitments. If we don’t keep them we feel guilty. If we do we feel confident.
When our Cause continues keeping his commitment to us we know if we’re pulling our own weight or not. If he ceases, then he’s communicating to us that we’re not. If this is the case, the privileges we were enjoying cease to be ours. That means the Inherent Process of our chosen Desire is no longer being met so the Desire ceases to be what it originally was.
Present Effects
Positive Reinforcement-Negative Reinforcement/Negative Punishment-Positive Punishment
Add a desirable Effect to strengthen behavior = take away an undesirable Effect from Conflicting Causes to strengthen behavior/take away a desirable Effect to weaken behavior = allow the addition of an undesirable Effect from Conflicting Causes to weaken behavior
Since we’re just starting to obtain our Desire and haven’t entered into a commitment we are not held to as strict a Balance (law). We are given time to get it right. If we stay out here in new Desire land for extended periods of time when we should be deepening our commitment, we will never be able to experience the deeper and more Sustainable Results of Joy. It’s an opportunity cost.
Past Results
Relationships we are committed to
Bonds of love
Sustainable Attraction
We have to continuously work to keep our spouse’s Inherent Process, which changes as he/she grows (and vice versa). If we become that person and his/her Inherent Process is just who we are and vice versa, then the Attraction just continues on and on.
Abilities we are committed to up-keeping
Knowledge we are committed to using
Use it or lose it
Ex. If we attain a certain fitness level, we can’t just stop working out and expect the Results to continue to be ours. We need to continue doing what we have done to get to that level. But the Process becomes easier over time because we now have the strength and capacity to perform the muscular movements with little discomfort.
Level of Sustainable Joy we are committed to maintaining. If we want to reside at a higher more intense level of Sustainable Joy we need to really enjoy the sacrifices required of us at that level.
It’s not about getting to a place where we can finally rest from the Processes we engaged in to get to that place (#Retirement). It’s about becoming the type of person who enjoys what we do so much that we desire to do it forever.
That’s Sustainability
Present Results
Relationships we are just starting to develop
Honeymoon love
Initial Attraction (it’s for free! It just happens because we Presently are what our love interest is interested in.)
Abilities we are just acquiring. We’re newbies.
Knowledge we recently obtain
Now we need to use it or lose it
Ex. When we first start increasing our fitness our Results may be muscle soreness but we should eventually get to the place where we don’t feel that anymore. That’s when we just continue the Process which maintains our Results. If we want to increase our fitness after we get to the maintenance stage we will again experience muscle soreness as a pretty continuous Result.
When we first achieve a higher level of Sustainable Joy life feels amazing. We never knew it could be so good! Even though we continue to reside in this same state of Joy, we will get used to it over time. The key is to tell our before and after story often to our Children and to rejoice in their growth from one level to another. We also don’t need to stop growing ourselves until we have obtained the level at which we are satisfied and then engage in the maintenance Process.
It’s not about growing forever. It’s not about having Sustainable muscle soreness because we keep upping our Sacrifice Process for years and years. It’s about finding what we like to do (sacrifice) and the level at which we want to do it and do that forever without getting bored.
That’s Sustainability.
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